For the production of special high-wire thin and very thin sections were widely adopted austenitic steel. Developed carbon-free highly alloyed Fe-Cr-Ni based steel in the quenched condition has a high plasticity, manufacturability and low strength. High adaptability of these steels allowed conducting extensive plastic deformation as shear under pressure and drawing. Prerequisite for a high plasticity and adaptability to the developed steels are: their doping with the low carbon, 0.03% C, as well as cobalt and nickel content, which increase the plasticity of steels. Secondly, the presence of strain-metastable austenite, which during severe plastic deformation is almost completely transformed into deformation martensite and the related TRIP-effect. Especially important is the fact that thanks to high steels manufacturability, the effect of severe plastic deformation leads to the formation of submicro- and nanocrystalline structure (mainly with high-angle misorientations at grain boundaries with high strength) in long workpieces. The aging of the deformed steels causes an additional increase of mechanical properties, which is associated with the occurrence of a supersaturated bcc solid solution (strain martensite). The resulting allocation of intermetallic phase NiAl is nanocrystalline, which is especially important in obtaining the finest wire diameters. It should be noted that aging can be performed on finished products.
Язык оригиналаАнглийский
Название основной публикации7th European Stainless Steel Conference: Science and Market, Proceedings
Подзаголовок основной публикацииbook
ИздательAssociazione Italiana di Metallurgia
ISBN (печатное издание)978-888529884-2
СостояниеОпубликовано - 2011

ID: 37962826