• K.a. Mahmoud
  • Mazen Binmujlli
  • Fawzy H. Sallam
  • M. Sayyed
  • Mohammad Marashdeh
  • Muthanna Abdulkarim
A series of ceramic samples fabricated based on ZnO doped different concentrations of natural clay according to the relation (1-x) ZnO – (x) clay; 5 wt% ≤ x ≤ 20 wt%. The samples were pressed and sintered at 1200 °C. The experimental techniques were used to characterize and measure the chemical composition, density, and current-voltage measurements for the fabricated ceramics samples. The measurements depict an increase in the I–V nonlinearity with raising the clay concentration, where the increase in clay by up to 20 wt% shifts breakdown voltage to a higher value of up to 390 V/cm and decreases leakage current to 55 mA/cm2. The examinations for the gamma-ray shielding capacity for the fabricated composites (utilizing Monte Carlo simulation) demonstrate enrichment of clay concentration between 5 wt% and 20 wt% reduced the linear attenuation coefficient for the fabricated ceramics by 23.15% and 8.66% at γ photon energy of 0.059 MeV and 1.252 MeV, respectively. The half-value thickness and lead's equivalent thickness increased along with a drop in the linear attenuation coefficient, but the radiation protection effectiveness of the fabricated ceramics increased.
Язык оригиналаАнглийский
Номер статьи111195
ЖурналApplied Radiation and Isotopes
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 апр. 2024

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  • Химия, Неорганическая и ядерная
  • Ядерные науки и технологии
  • Рентгенология, радиоизотопная медицина и рентгенография

    Предметные области ASJC Scopus

  • Radiation

ID: 53806730