

Single-crystalline sample of Nd2Co7 (T-C 613 K) has been used to study "anisotropic" magnetocaloric effect (MCE), originated from field induced rotation of the magnetic moment from easy-to hard-magnetization direction. Anisotropy constants were estimated using measured magnetization isotherms within 200-320 K temperature range, which encompasses two spontaneous spin-reorientation phase transitions. These data allow us to calculate the magnetic entropy and "anisotropic" MCE using simple thermodynamic model. Thus obtained MCE was successfully compared with MCE calculated by means of the Maxwell relation. Main differences between "anisotropic" MCE and MCE concerned with magnetizing of ferromagnetic substances near their Curie temperatures have been revealed. In spite of rather low characteristic values (Delta S = -0.005 MJ/Km(3), Delta T = 0.4 K at 235 K and Delta S = 0.005 MJ/Km(3), Delta T = -0.44 K at 250 K on the field change of 1 T) observed in Nd2Co7, intrinsic properties of the "anisotropic" MCE were found to be rather good: it may be a flat function of temperature, rotation of the moment can be completed in the moderate fields, neither temperature nor field hysteresises has been observed. Furthermore, the peak values of the "anisotropic" MCE are not limited by equation restricting MCE in the common ferromagnetic materials.
Язык оригиналаАнглийский
Страницы (с-по)083932
ЖурналJournal of Applied Physics
Номер выпуска8
СостояниеОпубликовано - 15 апр. 2011

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ID: 37841971