

We present the results of multicolor photometry of the two spotted, short-period, late-type RS CVn stars BH Vir and WY Cnc. We have derived the parameters of the binaries' components, and refined their masses, radii, and luminosities. A strong flare of WY Cnc was detected for the first time, and pre-flare variations of the star's activity studied. Our observations and published data spanning 40 years are analyzed using a zone starspot model. We demonstrate that the spots are always concentrated near the equators and at intermediate latitudes, with maximum spotted areas as large as 29% for BH Vir and 21% for WY Cnc. The temperature differences between spotted regions and the quiet photosphere were 2300 K (BH Vir) and 1800 K (WY Cnc). The detected long-term brightness variations of BH Vir suggest the existence of an activity cycle with a probable period of 22 years. Both stars have starspots concentrated at two active longitudes separated by approximately half of the orbital period during all the studied seasons; these longitudes remained the same (0° and 184°) for BH Vir over 40 years, whereas they migrated in the direction of the stellar rotation at a rate of 3.8°/yr for WY Cnc, suggesting a cycle of 47 years for the migration of the active longitudes.
Язык оригиналаАнглийский
Страницы (с-по)932-946
Число страниц15
ЖурналAstronomy Reports
Номер выпуска11
СостояниеОпубликовано - 1 нояб. 2007

    Предметные области WoS

  • Астрономия и астрофизика

    Предметные области ASJC Scopus

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science

ID: 41301549