

In this paper, we address the task of open-domain health question answering (QA). The quality of existing QA systems heavily depends on the annotated data that is often difficult to obtain, especially in the medical domain. To tackle this issue, we opt for PubMed and Wikipedia as trustworthy document collections to retrieve evidence. The questions and retrieved passages are passed to off-the-shelf question answering models, whose predictions are then aggregated into a final score. Thus, our proposed approach is highly data-efficient. Evaluation on 113 health-related yes/no question and answer pairs demonstrates good performance achieving AUC of 0.82.
Язык оригиналаАнглийский
Название основной публикацииAdvances in Information Retrieval: 45th European Conference on Information Retrieval
Подзаголовок основной публикацииbook
РедакторыJaap Kamps, Lorraine Goeuriot
ИздательSpringer Cham
ГлаваChapter 48
Число страниц9
ISBN (электронное издание)978-3-031-28238-6
ISBN (печатное издание)978-3-031-28237-9
СостояниеОпубликовано - 17 мар. 2023

Серия публикаций

НазваниеLecture Notes in Computer Science (including subseries Lecture Notes in Artificial Intelligence and Lecture Notes in Bioinformatics)
ISSN (печатное издание)0302-9743
ISSN (электронное издание)1611-3349

    Предметные области ASJC Scopus

  • Компьютерные науки в целом
  • Theoretical Computer Science

    Предметные области WoS

  • Химия, Физическая
  • Ядерные науки и технологии
  • Физика, Атомная, молекулярная и химическая

ID: 37139830