

This article examines the mechanism of trace formation of the Amcache system registry file in Windows 11. Information about this file from open sources on the Internet is considered. The study of this registry file is carried out using a special utility. The comparison takes place in stages, actions are sequentially carried out with the software in the system and changes are observed for each step. Next, an experimental comparison of the trace formation mechanisms in the Amcache system registry file for Windows 10 and Windows 11 is carried out. As part of the study, the same software is first installed on both systems. Then it tries to run the software with different parameters on both systems. After the selected software is removed from both operating systems. At each step, the results for each OS are recorded and the results are compared. In the last part of the article, the obtained data is summarized and analyzed. The results of the conducted study are summed up.
Язык оригиналаАнглийский
Название основной публикацииProceedings - 2023 IEEE Ural-Siberian Conference on Biomedical Engineering, Radioelectronics and Information Technology, USBEREIT 2023
Подзаголовок основной публикацииbook
ИздательInstitute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers Inc.
Число страниц4
ISBN (электронное издание)979-835033605-4
СостояниеОпубликовано - 15 мая 2023
СобытиеМеждународная конференция 2023 Урало-Сибирская конференция по биомедицинской инженерии, радиоэлектронике и информационным технологиям (USBEREIT 2023) - ИРИТ-РТФ УрФУ, Екатеринбург, Российская Федерация
Продолжительность: 15 мая 202317 мая 2023


КонференцияМеждународная конференция 2023 Урало-Сибирская конференция по биомедицинской инженерии, радиоэлектронике и информационным технологиям (USBEREIT 2023)
Страна/TерриторияРоссийская Федерация
ПрочееПриказ № 60/08 от 21.03.2023

ID: 41990255