• Angela Pirri
  • Roman N. Maksimov
  • Alberto Santonocito
  • Vladislav A. Shitov
  • Barbara Patrizi
  • Matteo Vannini
  • Vladimir V. Osipov
  • Guido Toci
We report on the fabrication, structural and spectroscopic characterizations, as well as the laser behavior of some mixed sesquioxides laser ceramics, i.e. (ScxY1-x)2O3, fabricated with different Y/Sc balance and doped with 5at.% Tm3+.
Original languageEnglish
Title of host publicationAdvanced Solid State Lasers in Proceedings Laser Congress 2023, ASSL, LAC 2023
Subtitle of host publicationbook
PublisherOptical Society of American (OSA)
ISBN (Print)978-195717131-9
Publication statusPublished - 2023
EventAdvanced Solid State Lasers - Tacoma, Washington
Duration: 1 Jan 2023 → …


ConferenceAdvanced Solid State Lasers
Period01/01/2023 → …

ID: 57298862