• Artem Burdanov
  • Paul Benni
  • Eugene Sokov
  • Laetitia Delrez
  • Michael Gillon
  • Guillaume Hébrard
  • Magali Deleuil
  • Paul A. Wilson
  • Olivier Demangeon
  • Özgür Baştürk
  • Erika Pakštiene
  • Iraida Sokova
  • Sergei A. Rusov
  • Vladimir V. Dyachenko
  • Denis A. Rastegaev
  • Anatoliy Beskakotov
  • Alessandro Marchini
  • Marc Bretton
  • Stan Shadick
  • Kirill Ivanov
Original languageEnglish
Article number074401
Number of pages10
JournalPublications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific
Issue number989
Publication statusPublished - 1 Jul 2018

    WoS ResearchAreas Categories

  • Astronomy & Astrophysics

    ASJC Scopus subject areas

  • Astronomy and Astrophysics
  • Space and Planetary Science

    Research areas

  • Methods: data analysis, Planets and satellites: detection, Planets and satellites: gaseous planets, Planets and satellites: individual (KPS-1b), Stars: individual (KPS-1), NETWORK, PROJECT, methods: data analysis, planets and satellites: gaseous planets, SEARCH, PLANET, stars: individual (KPS-1), planets and satellites: individual (KPS-1b), STAR, ORBIT, PHOTOMETRY, planets and satellites: detection, PROGRAM, TOOL

ID: 7276647