Spanish guerilla 1808-1814 for more than two centuries has been occupying an important place in the historical and cultural memory of Spain and all of Europe. The constant interest in the guerrilla on the part of historians and the general public inevitably contributed to the formation of historiographic clichés (for example, about the guerrilla as a general upsurge of the whole Spanish nation) and led to the glorification in the Spanish public consciousness of the life and activity of partisan detachments that acted against the French army on the Iberian Peninsula during the era of the Napoleonic wars. However, the turn of the 20th - 21st centuries became a period of change in historiographic trends in Spanish historical science, overcoming historiographic myths and convergence of Spanish researchers with English speaking and French historiography. The focus of the article is on the main trends of modern foreign historiography devoted to the guerrilla as one of the forms of anti-French popular movements in Spain in 1808-1814. As a result of the study, the author was able to establish that the key research areas of modern historiography of the Spanish guerilla during the Peninsular War of 1808-1814 can be attributed to the study of the regional specifics of the anti-French movements of 1808-1814 in Andalusia, Catalonia and Navarre, an analysis of the peculiarities of the social base of the guerrilla, of the phenomenon of banditry as an element of partisanship, of the role of the church in anti-French uprisings, of the role of women in the guerrilla war, of the complex relationships between the guerrillas and the civilian population in Spain, research in the field of historical memory in context of the formation of myths about the heroes of the Spanish guerilla.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)356-379
Number of pages24
JournalФранцузский ежегодник
Publication statusPublished - 2023

    Level of Research Output

  • VAK List

ID: 52394645