For our country, being the most part of Asia, oriental studies are so-called self-knowledge. It is also important for closer relations with neighbors; it has become very important for Russia after notorious events of 2014. In April of this year UFU and Iran Bu-Ali Sina University concluded an agreement of collaboration. This document will give an additional impulse to the Center of Iranian Studies which has existed in UFU for 15 years. About present state of oriental studies in Ural and perspectives of its development we have discussed with Vadim Kuzmin, the head of the department of oriental studies of UFU, Professor and Doctor of History. Our guest has told us that Yekaterinburg has accumulated enough experience of Eastern countries’ studies. The new Center of Iranian Studies has a double objective. At first, students of this center and all ones who wish will start studying of Persian language. The second point, during the time this Center must become some kind of base for projects ’ realization of Iranian cultural heritage ’s popularization. But Iran is not only one country for studying in UFU. The department of oriental studies trains students for countries of Far East (China, Japan and Korea) and Middle East (Turkey, Israel and countries of Arabic world). The uniqueness of Ural school of oriental studies is a geographical position of the city and university; Yekaterinburg is situated on the border of Europe and Asia and has wide international links.
Translated title of the contribution“UFU is the only one Ural university which trains specialists with oriental studies specialty”
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)6-14
Issue number6 (69)
Publication statusPublished - 2016

    Level of Research Output

  • VAK List

ID: 7617286