Over the past five years, interest in digital twin technology has increased significantly in various branches of science and industry, accompanied by an increase in the number of related publications and concepts. The article considers the concept of a digital twin of a technical device and the vision of this issue by various companies. The features of the use of gas turbines’ digital twins are analyzed. The main goals and tasks to be solved by such a system at the stage of operation are formulated, as well as the interpretation of the proposed term. It is discussed the problems that arise during the implementation of the described technology at the facilities of gas turbine units. This study considers the various scientific papers related to the creation and use of digital twins. Due to the relative novelty of the concept, its universality (the term “digital twin” is used in completely different areas of activity), and the lack of generally accepted terminology, its discrepancy arises. The article discusses the basic concepts. Over the entire life cycle of the equipment, individual modules of digital twins are formed and filled by various companies involved in their design, manufacture, operation, and maintenance. Based on this, differences arise in the understanding of the functionality of the technology under consideration. Gas turbines were the object of the study. They are common and technically complex power machines, so the implementation of their digital twins seems to be a challenge. Based on the analysis of various directions in the digital twins’ development by companies engaged in the design, manufacture, maintenance, and operation of gas turbines, the authors formulated the definition of a digital twin (in relation to a gas turbines). The issues of collecting and accumulating information are being raised. In addition, it was possible to develop a unified list of recommendations for the implementation of such technology. The use of these recommendations during the operation will improve the efficiency and reliability of the gas turbines.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)56-66
Number of pages11
JournalГазовая промышленность
Issue number11 (824)
Publication statusPublished - 2021

    Level of Research Output

  • VAK List

ID: 29083487