The relevance of the study of culture continuity by modern youth is due to the place and role that this social group provides in the structure of modern society. Youth act as an actor of social transformations. It is young people who feel everything new, absorb innovations, relying on the experience of previous generations. Modern Russian youth found themselves in a difficult situation, on the one hand, provoked by the processes of globalization, which is gaining momentum day by day, and, on the other hand, the systemic transformation of Russian society, which determines changes in all spheres of social life. In other words, the acquisition of selfhood, the formation of social maturity takes place in the conditions of a prefigurative culture, which fills the eternal conflict of “fathers and children” with new meanings, sometimes completely unexpected. The vanguard of youth is the students, one of the channels of socialization of which is the domestic education system. The purpose of the article is to show how close the cultural heritage is to modern youth, to identify intergenerational differences / similarities in relation to the preservation of folk culture. Materials and research methods. The article is based on empirical data obtained in the course of the All-Russian sociological study of students of Russian universities (citizens of Russia), initiated by the Russian Society of Sociologists, “Cultural Heritage and the Connection of Generations” (2022). All federal districts of the country were included in the study area. Research results. The article shows how, in the assessments and opinions of modern Russian students, there is a cultural transmission that ensures cultural continuity / decay (parallelism) in the space of a separate family and entire generations.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)18-28
Number of pages11
JournalВестник Сургутского государственного педагогического университета
Issue number2 (83)
Publication statusPublished - 2023

    Level of Research Output

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ID: 40262825