The professional self-determination of young people remains an urgent problem of modern education. Most school graduates and students do not possess the personal qualities necessary for professional self-determination, are incapable of self-knowledge, do not have sufficient independence and self-criticism, and are not ready to make an informed choice. The purpose of this study is to search for and expand methodological tools for conducting career guidance and career counseling for students. The main objective was to investigate the convergent validity between the Garan Card exercise and Holland’s test. The study of students studying in the field of study “Psychology” was carried out using the Holland test and the exercise of M. Garan’s profession cards, adapted for working with a group. The Garan Card exercise allows you to identify value relationships through personal reflection on certain professions, build a personal series of value priorities, which makes the process of professional choice more conscious. The students revealed the predominance of Social and Artistic personality types according to Holland and such priority values for future psychologists as creativity, contacts with people, interest in the profession and helping people. The study made it possible to determine how different professional value orientations and Holland’s professional personality types correlate, and thereby reveal the convergent validity of the two diagnostic methods. The necessity of further search for effective methodological approaches, forms and methods of career guidance work with students is substantiated.
Original languageRussian
Pages (from-to)105-112
Number of pages8
JournalПрофессиональное образование в России и за рубежом
Issue number4 (52)
Publication statusPublished - 2023

    Level of Research Output

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ID: 52409971