Both written sources and finds of pilgrim objects in Chersonesos testify to the role of the city as a minor pilgrimage center. Artefacts provide evidence for the religious connections between the Palestine region and East-European countries which were executed via Crimea and Chersonesos in particular, where cross-shaped encolpia with Cyrillic inscriptions have been found. One of such encolpia as well as others bearing Greek monograms were found in one of the houses in the Port district in the 13th century layerof destruction. Alimestoneblockbearingtwo Cyrillic graffiti inscriptions and a drawing of a blossoming cross was revealed near another house. The first graffito reads: “Senko has drawna cross on the way”, the second one appears to contain the name “Ilya”. The block was probably reused in mid / late 11th century at the earliest as a building material for a dwelling house in the quarter 2. Two Russian pilgrims most probably visited Cherson on their way to the Holy Land and stayed in a little monastery in a quarter nearby. But they could also have been Cherson residents and could have made the drawing and inscriptions setting out for a pilgrimage.
Original languageRussian
Subtitle of host publicationсборник статей
EditorsВ. В. Майко, Т. Ю. Яшаева
Place of PublicationСевастополь-Калининград
PublisherООО "Издательский Дом "РОСТ-ДОАФК"
ISBN (Print)978-5-6040479-9-6
Publication statusPublished - 2018


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