FIELD: radiation detection. SUBSTANCE: proposed scintillation detector of gamma-radiation is meant for photodiode registration. Salient feature of invention lies in usage of spectrum mixer in the form of thin scintillation film or thin scintillation crystal placed between scintillator and photodiode in addition to scintillation crystal and silicon p-i-n photodiode. Given detector can have crystal Lu2SiO5-Ce or other scintillation crystals sensitive to neutrons and beta-radiation, for instance, stilbene. EFFECT: enhanced scintillation efficiency of registration of gamma-radiation and increased loading capacity.
Translated title of the contributionScintillation Detector: patent of invention
Original languageRussian
Patent number2142147
IPCG01T 1/20
Priority date24/09/1997
Filing date24/09/1997
Publication statusPublished - 27 Nov 1999


  • 29.19.00

ID: 30514048