
"The byzantine army in VIII - XI centuries: organizational structure, command of the armed forces, every-day life. The project was connected with investigations of the several problems of the development military-administration system of the Byzantine Empire in 8 th – 11th centuries. In the course of project were in-vestigate two closely related problems of the history of Byzantium during the reign of the Macedonian dynasty. At the first, the transformation of military-organizational structure of the empire from provincial militia to the standing army. Secondly, the polemical notions characteristic of the traditional Byzantine society of the given time were investigated. In the 10th – first half of the 11th century the Byzantine army was a complex, dynamically developing structure. In this period, Byzantium was the only Christian state with a clearly articulated military doctrine. Despite the preservation of traditional social structures, the purposeful military policy of the emperors of the Macedonian dynasty allowed the creation, by the end of the 10th century, capable regular army. This allowed Byzantium to retain its military-political power until the second half of the 11th century.
In 2016 researches were conducted on thematic blocks “Organizational structures”, “Commanding offic-ers”, “Everyday life”. The project manager and his performers have carried out the following works: 1) Sources and domestic and foreign scientific literatures in the main directions of a research are collect-ed and analyzed. 2) Prosopographical databases were analyzed, studying of military terminology of nar-rative and sigillographic sources were carried out. 3) Military organizational structures of Byzantine themes 8th – 11th centuries were investigated; on the example of certain provinces the ratio of the irregu-lar and regular military contingents is revealed. 4) The investigation of military policy of emperors Basil I and Basil II is conducted. 5) The problem of relationship of officials of provincial administration and theme archontes is investigated (on an example, theme of Cherson and theme of Dyrrachium). 6) On the basis of these Byzantine sources the typology of images of the Byzantine military leaders of the 10th – 11th centuries is defined. The results of research published in the 18 scientific articles.
In 2017 studies were conducted on the thematic blocs 1). The investigation of macro- and microstructures of the Byzantine military-administrative system of the 8th-11th centuries; 2). The study of the development of the provincial military elite in the second half of the IX - first half of the 10th century; 3). The study of the social consequences of the ""military reform"" of the second half of the 10th century, a description of the influence of military reforms on the relationship between the imperial power and the ""provincial military nobility""; 4) The study of the causes, main events and the results of the crisis of the ""themes system"" in the second half of the 11th century; 5). The investigation of the functions of fem archons in the military sphere; 6). The study of the problem of ""War in the daily life of Byzantine society"". The obtained scientific results were reflected in the publications: one monograph, a series of articles in peer-reviewed scientific journals, as well as reports at scientific conferences of various levels.
So, crisis of the military-administration system of the Byzantine Empire began in the period of ruling the emperor Constantine IX Monomachus. This crisis in 1050 1060-s and were finished to the end of 11th century. Effect of crisis was the total liquidation of military-administrative system.
Effective start/end date05/05/201631/12/2017

    UrFU Research Division section that handles this grant (Kuibyshev, Mira)

  • Kuibyshev Research Division


  • 03.09.00

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ID: 7391254