
Composite materials, consisting of nano- and micro-sized magnetic particles distributed in soft matrices, have a rich set of unique properties that combine the properties of polymeric media and magnetic materials. Thanks to this, they represent a new type of intelligent multifunctional materials, which are actively used in industrial and biomedical technologies (design of miniature sensors of chemical composition and ambient temperature; sensors of weak vibrations, in particular, to obtain early information about an upcoming earthquake; film displays; amplifiers

mechanical stresses for robotics and mechanical engineering; dampers, shock absorbers and security systems; magnetotransport of drugs in the body; creation of miniature and high-speed equipment for immunoassay, convenient for use in the field, as well as in epidemics and natural disasters; creation of artificial biological tissues and growth matrices of natural tissues for the purposes of regenerative medicine, transplantology and minimally invasive surgery). The study of the dynamics of magnetic nanoparticles in polymer media is important due to the development of methods of magnetic resonance diagnostics and magneto-hyperthermic cancer therapy. The development of these technologies requires solving fundamental problems related to the behavior of ensembles of small magnetic particles in polymeric and other mechanically soft media; studying specific structural and phase transformations in ensembles of these particles, studying the dynamics of magnetic particles in soft environments. The project is aimed at developing theoretical and computer models of structural and phase transformations in soft and liquid magnetic composites, leading to the appearance of aggregates of various topologies; investigation of the effect of these transformations on magnetic, rheophysical, and transport effects in these systems; analysis of the dynamics of magnetic particles in media simulating biological tissues and fluids.
Effective start/end date01/01/201731/12/2019


  • 29.17.25

    Type of Financial Sources

  • State assignment.Сompetition part.Competitive Selection of Research Projects Carried out by Research Centers or Laboratories of Educational Organizations

    UrFU Research Division section that handles this grant (Kuibyshev, Mira)

  • Kuibyshev Research Division

ID: 7430303