
The shadow economy is a barrier for technological development, since the existence the part of the economic activity in the shadow influences the structure of national economy and changes trends of its development. In this regard, the necessity of evaluation the shadow economy, its distribution and dynamics in the different areas of economic activity should be considered as the strategic task for public authorities, as well as strategic direction for technological development of the economy.
The basic scientific goal of the project is: to develop the theoretical provisions explaining the sector differentiation of the shadow economy; to describe the mechanism for inter-branch resource redistribution through shadow financial flows; to determine the mechanism of influence of the shadow economy on technological development. The methodological goal of the project is: to develop of scientifically proven methods for evaluating the size and dynamics of the shadow economy in the areas of economic activity; to elaborate a scheme describing redistribution of financial resources through shadow financial flows. The practical goal is to develop scientifically proven proposals to reduce the shadow economy, taking into account its industry specificity for the purpose of technological growth.
A comprehensive analysis of the shadow economy based on the developed methods will allow to gain an evaluation of the size of the shadow economy, objective and subjective factors affecting its scale and dynamics; to determine the influence of the shadow economy on the redistribution of financial resources between industries; to assess the mutual influence of technological development and the shadow economy.The obtained results will allow answer the question: how to achieve reduction of the shadow economy for the technological growth.
The results of the project will be presented in 9 scientific articles in periodicals indexing in Web of Science or Scopus databases, 4 articles in periodicals indexing in the European Reference Index for the Humanities, 11 articles in the periodicals included in the list of VAK of Russia; collective monograph. The results of the study will also be presented at scientific events, including international (round tables, conferences).

Effective start/end date10/01/201925/12/2021


  • 06.73.15

    Type of Financial Sources


    UrFU Research Division section that handles this grant (Kuibyshev, Mira)

  • Mira Research Division

ID: 9780750