
This project aims at describing the actual structure of political consciousness that is used by young people in Russia in the process of political (normative) argumentation. The basic hypothesis that is behind the main task of the project is as follows: previous studies showed clearly that ideological rhetoric done by political parties in Russia is mixed one, hybrid in a sense of combining values drown from different, even opposing ideologies. Does that ideological rhetoric reflect any new type of political consciousness or is it just a fault made by parties' speechwriters? We suggest that consciousness also has changed. In order to verify or reject the hypothesis, we plan to do both analytical and practical parts of the survey. The analytical part consists in a reflexive review of a widely spread thesis that we (modern people) had lost hierarchy of moral values (MacIntyre) or that values, including political ones, are incommensurable and incompatible (Raz). A practical part of the project consists of a number of case studies, interviews and moderated political debates that will be organized by young members of the project among students and school's communities. And finally, we plan to conceptualize and describe that "symbolic map" of values and its interpretation that allows young people of Russia to do their normative political argument and identify themselves as a member of any political community. Will that map fits our expectations about "mixed values" consciousness? The study will show.
Effective start/end date19/04/201921/12/2019


  • 02.00.00 PHILOSOPHY

    UrFU Research Division section that handles this grant (Kuibyshev, Mira)

  • Kuibyshev Research Division

    Type of Financial Sources


ID: 10194919