
Maser emission monitoring has been performed for several decades in sеveral countries including Russia . Significant maser flares are detected. However, the reason of maser variability is still unclear. For the first time, IR-variations of a young stellar object accompanied with maser flares were detected for S255IR and NGC 6334I in 2015-2016 years. New IR and maser data obtained simultaneously during the maser flares will provide better understanding of the nature of maser emission variability and processes in gas and dust materials surrounding the star. On the other hand, only a part of the young stellar objects, related to maser emission, can be detected in near IR and observed with relatively accessible instruments.
The author already has data of IR observations of vicinity of G025.65+1.05 in K and H2 (molecular hydrogen) filters, which were performed on 2.5m telescope of Caucasian Mountain Observatory of Sternberg Astronomical Institute. The data were obtained in September 2017 soon after maximum of maser flare emission and showed a difference compared with UKIDSS data. IR data of other similar objects, which are visible in near IR, will be obtained in the project.
The project goal is to investigate the young stellar objects during the corresponding maser flare and quiescent state.
Also the project is aimed for the optical spectral monitoring of V645 Cyg with high resolution spectrograph of Kourovka Astronomical observatory. This massive young stellar object is unique because it is detectable even in the optical range. The maser flares are quasiperiodic and correlate with optical brightness. The correlation with Halpha emission variations will be examined for the first time.
Effective start/end date01/01/201810/03/2020

    Type of Financial Sources



  • 41.23.02

    UrFU Research Division section that handles this grant (Kuibyshev, Mira)

  • Kuibyshev Research Division

ID: 7488796