
The project targeted scientists and English language teachers from the top 21 Russian universities in the 5-100 programme, consistently building capacity in scientific publishing across the whole 5-100 network. The project will tap into UK’s expertise in scientific publishing, attracting UK’s leading experts to share best practice and deliver practical workshops in scientific writing, both generic and in areas of particular relevance for UK-Russia joint scientific work (i.e. British Council and Nature). Throughout the project links with UK scientists in relevant areas will be established and deepened to encourage collobrative activities, including publishing.
Effective start/end date03/10/201631/03/2017

    Type of Financial Sources

  • Foreign Source

    UrFU Research Division section that handles this grant (Kuibyshev, Mira)

  • Kuibyshev Research Division


  • 11.25.67

ID: 7430327