
Research of dynamical properties of small Solar System bodies such as long-period orbital evolution and axial rotation properties is actual problem which allow to discover arrangement and describe processes of the small Solar System bodies migration in current epoch, and make connection between observed distribution of asteroids and its origin regions based on joint analysis of dynamical characteristics of asteroids and its albedo data. Significance of a proposed research is study dynamical evolution of asteroids having significant secular evolution due to it can migrate inside the Solar System. It allows to research resonance properties of asteroids under the Lidov-Kozai effect considering the Yarkovsky effect and find conditions which lead to change a level of influence these effects on orbital evolution. Newness of research is the problem solution in complex. It includes determination and improvement of orbits from astrometric observations, rotation period and spin axis determination from photometric observations, the orbital evolution numerical simulation to consider the Yarkovsky effect from data which are obtained from observations. Data about physical properties of surface and axial rotation parameters of asteroids are required to consider correctly Yarkovsky effect. At present, there are multicolor photometry data for 12% known asteroids, rotation periods determined for 2% and spin axis detected for 0.2% asteroids. Obtaining these data from observations along with the orbital elements’ improvement is prerequisite for adequate description of long-period dynamic evolution of asteroids having significant secular perturbations of orbits. As result of the project for several V-type asteroids outside (4) Vesta family will obtain improved orbital elements and spin parameters base on astrometric and photometric observations on the telescopes of Kourovka Astronomical Observatory of UrFU. Numerical modelling will perform with the Yarkovsky effect consideration to estimate escape time of these asteroids from Vesta family and to analyze characteristics of the asteroid’s orbital evolution. For asteroids having significant influence of Lidov-Kozai effect but non-observed by the telescopes of Kourovka Astronomical Observatory will perform numerical modelling of orbital evolution for search evidences of resonances (two-body resonances, three-body resonances and secular resonances) and for the asteroids migration propagation in the Solar System with respect to the web of resonances. Numerical modelling results for asteroids on close orbits will allow to estimate impacting possibility for the asteroids or find evidences of close approaches in past which could lead to significant variations of the asteroids orbits. Expected results of the project allow derive description of mechanism of migration of the small Solar System bodies having significant secular evolution.
Effective start/end date01/01/201826/12/2020


  • 41.03.15

    UrFU Research Division section that handles this grant (Kuibyshev, Mira)

  • Kuibyshev Research Division

    Type of Financial Sources


ID: 7489771