
The value picture of the world of Russian linguoculture is studied on the basis of metaphorical models that are included in the context of the current time and reflect the development of value meanings. The research is relevant for modern linguistics and is organically connected with cultural studies, axiology, sociology, and psychology. The research is based on philosophical ideas of axiology and Sciences, which are associated with the study of the nature of creative thinking in its national identity; fundamental linguistic works in the field of lexical semantics, cognitive metaphors. The main subject of the research is the semantic potential of the Russian metaphor in the aspect of linguistic axiology. The project will reveal the axiological significance of metaphorical models that reflect the national specificity of the value picture of the world. The results of the research will be reflected in a series of publications in leading peer-reviewed journals and in a collective monograph. The analysis of actual axiological meanings of the current time will allow to establish vectors of development of linguoculture, to catch social moods in their national refraction.
Effective start/end date14/01/201928/12/2021


  • 16.21.07

    Type of Financial Sources


    UrFU Research Division section that handles this grant (Kuibyshev, Mira)

  • Kuibyshev Research Division

ID: 9122049